To be a TRUE Muslim, one must :
- Believe in the one supreme, Absolute, Eternal, and unique God and nothing in all his creations resembles Allah.
- Never associate any partners with Allah (S.W).
- Never bound Allah (S.W) by time or space like his creation is.
- Never compare anything to Allah (S.W).
- Never imagine in our minds as to what Allah (S.W) may look like.
- Never associate Allah (S.W) to a physical shape, this would be called blasphemy (KUFIR)
One must believe in all the following:
- Oneness of Allah (S.W)
- In Allah’s Angles
- In Allah’s revelations i.e., Quran to prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and believe that he is the last messenger.
- The Injeel (Original Bible) to prophet Issa (Jesus) (A.S),
- The Taurat to prophet Moses (A.S),
- The Zabour to prophet Dawood (A.S)
- In all the prophets and messengers of Allah (S.W).
- Must believe in the resurrection and judgement day.
- Must believe in the question of the grave and the existence of Heaven and Hell and Eternal life after death.
Denying any of the prophets or messengers will automatically exit a person from Islam.